Three questions will determine the future...
...of the Clearing a New Path newsletter and podcast
Last week, I posted about the struggles around this newsletter and podcast and promised to ask for input.
I’d appreciate that in this short 3-question survey that will help me zero in on what’s working and what isn’t.
Three folks found it in their hearts to send financial support and that brought so much encouragement!
So grateful to Peter, Lexy and Cindy for your donations.
WEDNESDAY: I had the pleasure of speaking with April Lindgren, professor at the School of Journalism at Metropolitan University this week about her mapping of the opening and closing of news organizations across Canada (including rural and remote Canada) with the Local News Research Project. I’ll have that conversation.
I also attended the Ontario Small Urban Municipalities conference in Orillia, Ontario the week before and have some insights from a few of the sessions (April was a panelist for one of them).