Clearing a New Path
Clearing a New Path™
Lisa Gallant-McRobb - Leading Indigenous Healing Through Trauma and Triumph

Lisa Gallant-McRobb - Leading Indigenous Healing Through Trauma and Triumph

Lisa Gallant-McRobb - Leading Indigenous Healing Through Trauma and Triumph

June is traditionally Pride Month but June is also Indigenous History month. It’s an opportunity to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. It's a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of Indigenous Peoples, who have lived on this land since time immemorial.

While in Whitehorse last month, I had the opportunity to speak with folks doing amazing work in rural and remote Canada.

One of those incredible people was Lisa Gallant-McRobb. And she told me her story.

Lisa is a Cree/Metis woman who has found her home on the traditional territory of The Kwanlin Dunn First Nation and The Ta'an Kwach'an Council. 

A proud mother of 3 Tlingit children, Lisa has broken through the generational traumas that have plagued her family and she has bravely blazed her own path. 

Coming from a life of addiction, abuse, neglect and violence, Lisa has risen up to become a voice for change, an advocate for our most vulnerable, and a powerful force pushing back against the systems that were designed to keep her down. 

Working with victims of abuse and sexual violence, cooking with her catering company, the many many  hours of volunteer work and contributing to the various boards and committees she sits on, Lisa has become a powerful force determined to give back to the community she loves, to change her world around her and to set an example for her children and her childrens children to follow.


A content trigger warning that Lisa speaks about her experience with domestic violence, addiction, alcoholism, homelessness and generational trauma. This may trigger some of you, you may want to take breaks or you may not want to listen at all. Please take care.

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Clearing a New Path
Clearing a New Path™
Inspiring and building a more united, feminist, anti-racist rural Canada.
Produced by Radar Media.
Podcast art inspired by the graphic design of Katie Wilhelm.
Music branding by The Hankering Studio.
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